Friday, November 8, 2013


FG Power

This tool is primarily a “host booter” aimed at giving unscrupulous gamers an advantage by flooding opponents   with traffic. HTTP flooding capabilities may be effective at bringing down unprotected Web sites as well. A Firefox password stealer is also included, which can be very deadly as people reuse passwords all the time.

The strongest DDOSER, along with many commands makes this hostbooter the ultimate weapon for taking down home connections for xbox live but also takes down websites with as little as 10 bots! Other then most hostbooters who only got 1 or 2 attack types, the Fg Power DDOSER offers you three differnent attacks.

UDP - For taking down home connections such as xbox live users.
SSYN - For taking down websites with an open port.
GET - For taking down webservers. ( Even with 1 bot )

All Attacks are multi threaded.once hit someone with 65.000 packets and you put the threads up to 50 then thevictim will be hit with: 65.000 packets x 50 x 4 = 13.000.000 Packets. 13 MILLION packets!


    Shows Ip Address of infected user.
    Shows country name and country flag of infected user.
    Shows operation system of infected user.
    Shows bot status.
    Download/Excecute file on infected user.
    Steal all firefox passwords of all infected users and save to a log file.
    AutoSpreads using Usb spread and Peer to peer spread.
    Bot builder.
    Encrypted connections.
    Encrypted Bot to have it be 99% undetacble for virus scanners.
    Bot optimization programs to make it even more undetacble.
    Silently disable UAC on Vista and 7.
    Remove command
    Built in Stub
    Many Antis
    Usb infected log
    Works on all operation systems
    Auto Update
    100% Anti crackable
    And more!

With the Fg Power DDOSER you can now sell bots to your friends using the download/excecute feature and spreading is made easy with the autospread and 99% undetacble bot.

Information provided on this blog is for educational purposes only!The author should not be held responsible for any problems arising out of the use of the content on this blog! Use content and tools on this blog/site is your own RISK!! 



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